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Mohey Hulail, Diala-Fuad A., Aia-Fuad A., Rosol-Fuad A., Youssef Hussein
Abstract: - Peripheral artery disease (PAD) of lower extremities is a worldwide healthcare problem. Its prevalence is about 13% in patients over fifty years of age and 29% of people over age of seventy. It affects up to 50% of diabetic patients. This disease is due to partial or total obstruction of one or more the peripheral arterie
Abstract       References PDF (41088 k) 24 Downloads     588 Views     DOI: 10.54647/pm310253
Open Access
Jingyi Zhang
Abstract: The global 2008-2009 financial crisis played a significant role in global financial history. Analyzing it is of vital importance to prevent such a crisis from happening again. The paper is based on the global financial crisis and aims to analyze its origins, patterns, consequences and policy responses. The paper consists of
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Open Access
Osmar Ponchirolli, Vinícius da Silva Alves
Abstract: This article discusses the relationship between “Feel” and “Intelligence” from the understanding presented by Xavier Zubiri, referring to Sentient Intelligence, as a unit of these two moments. In this regard, the article is based on the work Intelligence and Reality, written by Zubiri in 1981; such compilation is the first
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Open Access
Feifei Yang, Xiaojun Zhang
Abstract: Firstly this paper proves the validity of traditional syllogism EIO-4, and then makes full use of relevant definitions, facts, and some inference rules. On the basis of 34 reasoning steps, the other 23 syllogisms can be inferred from the syllogism EIO-4. This is because Aristotelian quantifiers (that is, all, no, some, and
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Open Access
Sinqobile Wiseman Nene
Abstract: This paper investigates the formulation of a State Space Model for a Capacitor Coupled Substation to facilitate power tapping and injection into an electrical transmission network. The primary objective is to establish a state space representation of the electrical system that can be used to simplify the modeling of complex
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Open Access
Sinqobile Wiseman Nene
Abstract: Electricity is indispensable worldwide, but conventional distribution networks struggle in sparsely populated areas. Capacitor Coupled Substations (CCS) and Controllable Network Transformers (CNT) are promising solutions for supplying electricity to such regions. CCS efficiently delivers power to remote areas, while CNT ena
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Open Access
A.V. Bunyakin
Abstract: This work is based on the topological properties of the solution one-dimensional unsteady gas flow system with constant speed sonic. The paper presents the principle of constructing a mesoscopic analogy-computing device that implements addition and multiplication operations. The fie effect, which is modeled by these operati
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Open Access
C.J. Mozzochi
Abstract: Using a primitive formulation of the circle method together with a random number generator , which is based on the naive notion of randomness, we prove there exists an infinite number of twin primes. Then we show that a deduction, crucial to the proof, which is immediately implied by , is false.
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Open Access
K.M. Petrov
Abstract: Concepts concerning the major role of tectonic movements in the formation of morphostructures that caused the environmental features of the coastal zone are substantiated. Landscapes correspond to regional morphostructures, and morphological units of horizontal landscape dissection correspond to local morphostructures. The
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Open Access
Zahra Amini, Adib Azizian, Ahmad Eyvazi
Abstract: Milk thistle seed oil has recently been approved as a novel food resource. Despite its growing popularity, there is limited information on the constituents and properties of this oil. This study aims to compare the lipid composition, nutraceutical content, antioxidant activity, and thermal properties of milk thistle seed oi
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