DOI: 10.54647/education880565 45 Downloads 2489 Views
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of a Neuropsychopedagogical Motor Intervention Program (NMIP) on executive functions and language skills in preschool children. The sample included 621 children, aged 4 to 6 years, enrolled in public schools in southern Brazil. Inclusion criteria required proficient school performance, an estimated IQ above 80 (WISC-IV), and the absence of psychoactive medication, significant attention or behavioral disorders, or sensory or physical impairments. Executive functions were assessed through teacher-completed screening scales. The Child Inhibitory Control Screening Scale (CICS) evaluated inhibitory control across 18 everyday scenarios, with scores ranging from 18 to 90 points (expected ≥44). The Neuropsychopedagogical Screening Scale for Working Memory (NSSWM) measured working memory using 23 items rated on a 5-point Likert scale, with scores ranging from 23 to 115 points (expected ≥70). Phonological skills were assessed using the Screening Scale for Phonological Skills (SSPS), comprising 17 items with scores ranging from 1 to 70 (expected ≥56). Reading and writing abilities were evaluated using the Reading and Writing Skills Screening Scale (RSRWS), a 12-item tool with a scoring range of 12 to 60 points (expected ≥42).The NMIP consisted of 36 sessions, 15 minutes each, based on the "Coordenando-se" methodology. Activities included matching geometric shapes and colors to body movements to enhance motor development, executive functions, and mindfulness. Post-intervention results revealed significant improvements in inhibitory control (12.7%), working memory (11.6%), phonological skills (19.1%), and reading and writing skills (37.2%) (p<0.01). The percentage of children performing below expected thresholds decreased across all measures.
These findings underscore the potential of structured motor-based interventions to enhance executive functions and language skills in preschoolers, highlighting the NMIP’s applicability in early education to foster equitable cognitive and academic development.
executive functions, Neuropsychopedagogy, Language Development, Motor-Based Interventions, children’s.
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Fabrício Bruno Cardoso, Lucianara Braga, Filipe M. Bonone, Fábia Algarve, Elizete Defreyn, Neusa da Silva Justi, Rosineia Andrade Ferreira, Joyce Kelli Dos Santos Ferreira, Francilene de Souza, Alfred Sholl-Franco,
, SCIREA Journal of Education.
Volume 10, Issue 1, February 2025 | PP. 1-19.
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